Friday, July 21, 2006


Finished my two weeks...

I volunteered for another week in the middle of August to get training and help cover vacations . I start UPS on Monday and found a whole new series of repairs to do on the mobile home when I got in....grrrr....

Light blogging tonight as I am beat, and am going to sit here and play battleship.... but there's good reading all about.

MatokoChan is always interesting, here she is standing up fealessly against the forces of luddism, while here she is bringing attention to a black, foeted evil act I haven't the stomach to blog about' too depressing. If you do go there, scroll up & scroll down.

Belmont club is, as usual, blogging up an erudite storm including this ominous pice regards the sheer firepower that Hezbollah has gotten from Iran and Syria. The War is still being covered very comprehesively at Pajamas Media, I won't try as I'm out of the loop and things are happening really fast now....LOTs of reserves are being mobilized which means this is going to enter a more intense phase quite soon...

Turning away from the middle east, the Energy Blog has a bit on Fords new H2 Engine and a Proposal for a distribution system for Hydrogen.

Murdoc is blogging on the destruction of USS Bealleau Wood, and discussing light carriers which will be the subject of a long post here when I am somewhat more coherent .

On a lighter note, the great, the mighty, Steven Den Beste, that man among men who needs no permalinks, informs us of Causal Pi Day (22/7...heh) oh, and also posts this jem....

....which is is priceless if you are familiar with that show....and of course is making a comment about us Mac users...but I'm just too scatterbrained to figure that part out right now.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just figured I'd let you know I finished watching Steamboy and Voices from a Distant Star. I like your taste in Anime and agree with your observations on Steamboy. Thanks again for sending them to me.